sahasraa sersham devam viswaasham viswaasambhuvam
viswam naaraayanam devamaksharam pramam padam
This universe is the Eternal Being (Narayana), the imperishable, the supreme, the goal, multi-headed and multi-eyed (i.e., omnipresent and omniscient), the resplendent, the source of delight for he whole universe
viswataah paramam nityam viswam naaraayanam hariim
viswaamevedam purushaastadvisvampajeevati
This universe is the Supreme Being (Purusha) alone; hence it subsists on That, the Eternal which transcends it (in every way), -the omnipresent Absolute which destroys all sins.
patim viswasyatmeswaram saswatam sivamachyutam
naaraayanam mahaajneyam viswaatmanam paraayanam
The protector of the universe, the Lord of all Souls (or Lord over Self), the perpetual, the auspicious, the indestructible, the Goal of all creation, the Supreme object worthy of being known, the Soul of all beings, the Refuge unfailing (is He).
naaraayanaa paro jyotiratma naaraayanaa paraah
naaraayanaa param brahmaa tattwam naaraayanaah paraah
naaraayanaa paro dhyaatah dhyaanam naaraayanah paraah
The Lord Narayana is the Supreme Absolute; Narayana is the Supreme Reality; Narayana is the Supreme Light; Narayana is the Supreme Self; Narayana is the Supreme Meditator; Narayana is the Supreme Meditation.
yachca kinchit jagat sarvam drshyate srooyatepi va
antar bahisca tatsvaram vyapya naaraayanaah sthitah
Whatever all this universe is, -seen or heard of, -pervading all this from inside and outside alike, stands supreme the Eternal Divine Being (Narayana).
anantamavyayam kavim samudrentam viswaa sambhuvam
padma kosaa praateeksam hrdayam capyadho mukham
He is the Limitless, Imperishable, Omniscient, residing in the ocean of he heart, the Cause of the happiness of the universe, the Supreme end of all striving, (manifesting Himself) in the ether of the heart which is comparable to an inverted bud of the lotus flower.
adho nishtya vitastyante nabhyaamupari tishtati
jwaalamalaa kulaam bhaati vishwasyayatanam mahat
Below the Adams apple, at a distance of a span, and above the navel (i.e., the heart which is the relative seat of the manifestation of Pure Consciousness in the human being), effulges the Great Abode of the universe, as if adorned with garlands of flames.
santaatam silaabhistu lambaatyaa kosaannibham
tasyante sushiram sookshman tasmin sarvam pratishtam
Surrounded on all sides by nerve-currents (or arteries), suspends the lotus-bud of the heart in an inverted position. It is in a subtle space (a narrow aperture, the Sushumna-Nadi), and therein is to be found the Substratum of all things.
tasyaa madhye mahaanagnir vishwachir visvato mukha
sograabhugvibhajan tishthannahaaraa maajaraah kaavih
In that space within the heart resides the Great Flaming Fire, undecaying, all-knowing, with tongues spread out in all directions, with faces turned everywhere, consuming food presented before it, and assimilating it unto itself.
triyaa goordhwaa masdhassayee rasmayaatasyaa santataa
santapayati swam deha mapadatalaamaastaagah
tasyaa madhye vahnisikha aaneeyordhwaa vyaavasthithaah
His rays, spreading all around, side ways as well as above and below, warm up the whole body from head to foot. In the center of That (Flame) abides the Tongue of Fire as the topmost of all subtle things. (Note: Due to the attachments and entanglements of the Jiva in worldly enjoyment and suffering, the Consciousness is enshrouded in potential as well as expressed objectivity, and hence it appears like a tiny streak of flame within the dark clouds of ignorance. But when the Jiva rises above worldliness the Consciousness is realised as he Infinite.)
neelaatoyaada madhyaasthad vidyullekhavaa bhaswaraa
neevaaraasooka vattanvee peeta bhaswatyanoopama
Brilliant like a streak of lightning set in the midst of the blue rain-bearing clouds, slender like the awn of a paddy grain, yellow (like gold) in colour, in subtlety comparable to the minute atom, (this Tongue of Fire) grows splendid.
tasyaa sikhayaa madhye paramaatmaa vyavasthithaah
saa brahmaa saa sivaah saa hariih sendraah soksharaah paramah swarat
In the Middle of That Flame, the Supreme Self dwells. This (Self) is Brahma (the Creator), Siva (the Destroyer), Hari (the Protector), Indra (the Ruler), the Imperishable, the Absolute, the Autonomous Being. Prostrations again and again to the Omni-Formed Being, the Truth, the Law, the Supreme Absolute, the Purusha of blue-decked yellow hue, the Centralised-Force, Power, the All-Seeing One.
ritam satyam param brahmaa purusham krishnaa pingalam
oordhwaaretam viroopaaksham viswaroopaayaa vai namo namah
Prostrations again and again to the Omni-Formed Being, the Truth, the Law, the Supreme Absolute, the Purusha of blue-decked yellow hue, the Centralised-Force, Power, the All-Seeing One.
naaraayanayaa vidhmahe
vasudevaayaa dheemahi
tanno vishnuh prachodayaat
We commune ourselves with Narayana, and meditate on Vasudeva, may that Vishnu direct us (to the Great Goal).
vishnornukam veeryaani pravocham yaah paarthivaani raajaamsi yo
askabhayaaduttaram sadhastham vichaakramanas tredhorugayo vishnuh
raaratamasi vishnuh syooraasi vishnuh dhruvamsi vaishnavaamasi vishnave tva
Which valor and deed of the all-pervading Vishnu may I glorify? He has enveloped the earth and he heaven even upto the minutest dust of creation. Vishnu supports the abode of gods, preventing it from being shaken from its position. He takes three strides (which may mean the three strides which Vishnu took in His incarnation as Vamana or the three strides which the sun is supposed to take in the sky during the day, or he form Vishnu is supposed to take as Agni, Vayu and Surya) as the most gloriously euoligised one. O Thou, Instrument of Yajna, who are the front and rear of Vishnu's form as Yajna, Thou who art its mouth and its connection. Thou art the firm support. Thou art verily Vishnu. I prostrate myself before Thee.
Om shanti shanti shantih
Om. May there be Peace, Peace, Peace

Lord Shiv is one of the Gods of the trinity of Gods which Hindus believe in, the other two being Brahma and Vishnu. He is known as the destroyer, and destroys the world and the end of all the four Yugs (the four yugs last for 6,480,000 years) for creation to start afresh. He is a unique god in the entire godheads of Hindu belief and is incomparable with any other God. He is moody, free of inhibitions, easy to please, protector of the down trodden, and has the power to alter the laws of destiny. He is Mahakaal, who destroys and dissolves everything into nothingness. But as Shankara, he also reproduces that which has been destroyed and dissolved. His symbol of phallus symbolises this reproductive power.
This prayer (chalisa) praises the Lord and asks for his help in removing all the problems from the devotees life. It is suggested that you focus your mind on Lord Shiva or his image and say this prayer.
Jai Ganesh Girija suvan, mangal mool sujan,
Kahati Ayodhyadas tum, deu abhaya vardan.
Hail Lord Ganesh, son of Girija, who is supremely wise and the start of all auspicious events. Ayodhyadas asks you, to grant him the boon of safety and security.
Jai Girijapati deen dayala,
Sada karat santan pratipala.
Hail Girijapati (Shiv, husband of Girija. Girija means mountain, referring to Mt. Kailash, where Lord Shiv is supposed to reside.), the ever kind lord,
Who always looks after and protects his devotees.
Bhal chandrama sohati neeke,
Kanan kundal nag phani ke.
He has the moon upon his forehead,
and in his ears, instead of rings, he has the serpents coiling around.
Ang gaur shiv ganga banai,
Mundamal tan kshar lagai.
He is fair complexioned with the divine river, Ganga, flowing from his crown,
Around his neck, he has a necklace of severed heads and his body is smeared with ash.
Vastra khal baghambar sohe,
Chhavi ko dekh nag muni mohe.
He wears the skin of a panther tied around his waist,
Looking at his charming view, the serpents and high sages get enchanted.
Maina Matu ki priya dulari,
Bam ang rajat Shiv pyari.
The beloved daughter (referring to Parvati) of Maina is sitting on his lap at his left side,
She is supremely dear to Lord Shiv.
Kar men soha trishul ati bhari,
Karahi sada shatrun samhari.
He carries a heavy trident in his hand,
with which he slays the enemies forever.
Nandi Ganesh soh tanha kaise,
Manas madhya kamal hon jaise.
With him are Nandi (the bull) and Lord Ganesh,
Looking as beautiful as lotus flowers blooming in Mansarovar lake.
Kartik shyam aur gana rauo,
Ya chhavi barnat bane na kauo.
He has with him dark complexioned Kartikeya and Ganesh (his sons),
No one is capable to describe the full spectacle.
Devan jab hee aai pukara,
Tabahin dukh prabhu ap nivara.
Whenever the celestials (devas) faced problems and came to you,
You always solved the problems and provided succour to them.
Keen upadrava tarak bhari,
devan sab mili tumhari pukari.
When the demon Tarak wrought havoc,
The celestials all called to you help.
Turat shadanan ap pathayo,
Luv nimesh mahi mar girayo.
Then you immediately sent Sadanand (the six faced Kartikeya),
Who, within no time at all, destroyed the demon.
Ap Jallandhar asur sanhara,
Suyash tumhar vidit sansara.
You also slayed the demon, Jallandhar,
Your glory is well known to the world.
Tripurasur sang yuddha machayi,
sabahin kripa kari leen bachayi.
By fighting and killing the Demon Tripurasur,
You forgave everybody and saved the Gods.
Keenha tap Bhagirath bhari,
Purahi pratigya tasu purari.
King Bhagirath 1 had performed a rigorous penance,
And by you grace, you fulfilled his wishes.
Darpa chhod Ganga tab ayee,
Sewak astuti karat sadaee.
Because of this, Ganga (the river), left her abode and came to earth,
That is why your devotees always sing your praise.
Ved naam mahima tav gayaee,
akath anadi bhed nahin payee.
The Vedas had tried to describe your glory but the same is beyond explanation,
It is impossible to fathom your full glory.
Pragati udadhi manthan te jwala,
Jare surasur bhaye bihala.
The sea churning 2 had produced such a dreadful poisonous flame,
Which scared both the Gods and demons.
Mahadeva tab kari sahayee,
Neelkantha tuv nam dharayee.
The, Great God, you came to their rescue and drank the poison,
Which stayed in your throat, making it blue, hence you are called Neelkanth (Blue throated one)
Poojan Ramchandra jab keenha,
Lanka jeet Vibhishan deenha.
When Lord Ram 3 worshipped you,
You gave him victory over Lanka and made Vibhishan it's king.
Sahas kamal arpanahi vichari,
Keenha pareeksha tabahi purari.
During this worship, Lord Ram decided to offer you a thousand lotus flowers,
Then to assess his firmness of faith, you decided to test him.
Ek kamal Prabhu rakheu goyee,
Kamal nayan poojan chahin soyee.
Lord, you decided to hide one of the flowers,
Not finding it, Lord Ram substituted his lotus like eye for it.
Kathin bhakti dekhi Prabhu Shankar,
Bhaye prasanna deya icchhit var.
Lord Shanker was pleased with his (Ram's) steadfast devotion,
You granted him the desired boon (of slaying Ravaana).
Jai Jai Jai, Ananta Avinasi,
Karat kripa sab ke ghatvasi.
Hail to thee, O Infinite and Indestructible Lord,
Shower your grace on everybody, O Omniscient one.
Dushta sakal mohi nitya satavan,
Bharmita rahe man chain na aven.
I am always troubled by wicked people,
This makes me distressed with no peace of mind.
Trahi trahi main nath pukaro,
Yeh avasar mohi, ani ubaro.
Getting distressed, I pray to you, Lord Shanker,
O Lord, help me in these troubled times.
Lai trishool shatrun ko marau,
Sankat se mohi ani unarau.
Come with your trident and slay my enemies,
And free me from my problems.
Mata pita bhrat sab hoi,
Sankat mein poonchat nahi koi.
Although I have my mother, father, brothers and family,
Yet in times of trouble, nobody offers me help.
Swami ekahi aas tumhari,
Ai harahu sab sankat bhari.
O Lord, you are my only hope,
O Master, please come and take away this heavy burden (problems).
Dhan nirdhan kon det sadaee,
Arat jan ki peer mitaee.
You give wealth to the poor,
And you wipe away their difficulties.
Astuti kehi vidhi karahu tumhari,
Shambunath ab tek hamari.
I do not know of any other way to seek your help from my problems,
Hey, Shambunath, listen to my prayer now.
Shanker ho sankat ke nashan,
Vighna vinasan mangal karan.
Shankar, you are the destroyer of problems,
Please be the root of my happiness and welfare
Yogi yathi muni dhyan lagaye,
Sharad Narad Sheesh navavahin.
All the sages and yogis meditate on you,
Saraswati (Goddes of Wisdom), Narad (son of Brahma) and the seers bow in reverence to you.
Namo namo jab namah Shivaye,
Sur brahmadik par na paye.
I now chant your name, "Om Namah Shivaye",
Neither Brahma not the Gods could fathom your entire glory.
Jo yeh path kare man layee,
To kon hot hain shamboo sahayee.
Whoever reads this prayer with utmost devotion,
Shall definitely be helped by Lord Shamboo, without any doubt.
Putra na ho, ichha kare koi,
Nishchaya Shiv prasad se hoi.
Anybody without a son who prays to you,
Will definitely be blessed with one by Lord Shiv.
Pandit triyodashi ko lave,
Dhyan poorvak hom karave.
The devotees should get a priest to perform a yagna (prayer) on the 13th lunar day of the fortnight,
And with full attention and devotion, one must pray to Lord Shiv to get their wishes fulfilled.
Triyodashi vrita kare hamesha,
Tan nahi take rahe kalesha.
Whoever fasts on the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight,
Gets peace of mind and a healthy body.
Dhoop deep naivedya chadhavahi,
Shanker sanmukha path karavahi.
With a lighted lamp, incense and other payer material,
One should worship before an idol of Lord Shiva with full devotion.
Janam Janam ki pap nasavahin,
Antawas shivpur men pavahin.
A devotee of Shiv will have all the sins (karmas) of all his births wiped away,
And in the end, he will live happily in the kingdom of Lord Shiva.
Hey Shankar hai aas tumhari,
Dukh peera ab harahu hamari.
O Lord Shanker, you are my only hope,
Now please end all my pains and worries
Om Agnaavishhnuu sajoshhasemaa vardhantu vaam girah Dyumnairvaajebhiraagatamh
Vaajashcha me prasavashcha me prayatishcha me
prasitishcha me dhiitishcha me kratushcha me
svarashcha me shlokashcha me shraavashcha me
shrutishcha me jyotishcha me suvashcha me
praanashcha me apaanashcha me vyaanashcha me
asushcha me chittam cha ma aadhiitam cha me
vaakcha me manashcha me chakshushcha me
shrotram cha me dakshashcha me balam cha ma ojashcha me
sahashcha ma aayushcha me jaraa cha ma aatmaa cha me
tanuushcha me sharma cha me varma cha me
angaani cha me asthaani cha me paruushhi cha me shariiraani cha me
Let God grant me food, permit me to eat the food, ensure purity of food and keen desire to relish, digest and caust it to obtain. Let me recite, chant Vedic mantras wth Specific intonation with pleasing and absorbing voice with proper hearing, mental alacrity and bless me to reach the abode of Gods. Cause the proper functioning of the three airs prana, Apana and Vyana and the mukhya prana circulation and the secondary airs of udana and samana mental knowledge, powerful speech and a perfect and harmonious mind, Keen vision and hearing, healthy and active functioning of sense organs, highest intelligence (ojas) and the strength and virility and vigour to crush the enemies, assured longevity and honourable old age; and a sustainable egotisml and a sound and well built body with full happiness ensuring protection to all the limbs and well built body with full happiness ensuring protection to all the limbs and well arranged bones and joints. Ensure birth in esteemed and noble bodies for ever and in future.
These thirty six items are prayed in this Anuvaka for the body which is the cornerstone for upholding Dharma.
Jyaishhthyam cha ma aadhipathyam cha me manyushcha me
bhaamashcha meamashcha meambhashcha me
jemaa cha me mahimaa cha me varimaa cha me
prathimaa cha me varshhmaa cha me draaghuyaa cha me
vriddham cha me vriddhishcha me satyam cha me
shraddhaa cha me jagachcha me dhanam cha me
vashashcha me tvishhishcha me kriidaa cha me
modashcha me jaatam cha me janishhyamaanam cha me
suuktam cha me sukritam cha me vittam cha me
vedyam cha me bhuutam cha me bhavishhyachcha me
sugam cha me supatham cha ma riddham cha ma riddhishcha me
kliptam cha me kliptishcha me matishcha me sumatishcha me
I implove for granting of these to me. Recognition as the most cherished senior and eminent person overriding among men; combat resentment and control internal anger, and the out ward manifestation of anger; and the indepth mind and general character, and obtaining sweet waters; commanding and victory over enemies. The wealth and fame derived by me, from these successes, longed and valued by others; Increase of my worldly possessions, and my offsprings and perennial progeny to posterity and superiority born out of knowledge and personality, conscious of truth always, discipline and staunch belief in Vedas and scriptures in the days ahead and enhancement in both movable and immovable assets and treasure in Gold and Silver and in the special attractiveness and personal charm, Feeling pride of body; and in the diversion towards sports and other games and the pleasures accrued by such avocations and all that I inherited through heritage and for future acquisitions and proficiency in vedic mantras and the auspiciousness derived due to the conduct of such sacred rites and rituals. The wealth of past and future prosperity with great advanced strides with excellent and harmonious resorts for my stay and recreation as diversion, secured and well guarded path ways for my movements of coming and going, assured increased spiritual benefits and merits during and after life and all befitting sumptuous requirements to make my life journey most pleasing and comfortable and the will and ability to put them for efficient use, a perfect and balanced intellect and wisdom and the desterity to tackle difficult situation gloriously with tremendrous success.
These thirty eight things are requested in this Anuvaka.
Shancha me mayashcha me priyam cha menukaamashcha me
kaamashcha me saumanasashcha me bhadram cha me
shreyashcha me vasyashcha me yashashcha me
bhagashcha me dravinam cha me yantaa cha me
dhartaa cha me kshemashcha me dhritishcha me
vishvam cha me mahashcha me samvichcha me
gyaatram cha me suushcha me prasuushcha me
siiram cha me layashcha ma ritam cha me
amritam cha meayakshmam cha meanaamayachcha me
jiivaatushcha me diirghaayutvam cha meanamitram cha me
abhayam cha me sugam cha me shayanam cha me
suushhaa cha me sudinam cha me
Let Lord Shiva grant us happiness in both worlds on (earth and heaven). All the materials dearer and attractive and worthy of possession in heaven and endearing relations. Material and spiritual welfare; prosperity, cosy and comfort; name, fame and fortune and enormous riches, proper guidance from elders and well wishers, palatial mansions, and due support from all including parents. The capacity to protect all belongings earned and bequeathed, undawnted courage, chivalry, valour, stand fastness possessing the community pleasure and honour and be an embodiment of vedic knowledge and the profundicity to impart the same to all others, command obedience and service from the progeny, capacity to develop expertise in cultivation of agricultural works.
Ardent desire to conduct spiritual rituals and there by gain the fruits of the holy acts. Be free from bodily ailments, ensuring longevity, circumventing untimely death, devoid of enemies and antogonism, assured of bountiful sleep and a very successful and glamorous day and dawn.
These thirty six aspirations are prayed to be fulfilled in this third Anuvaka.
Uurkcha me suunritaa cha me payashcha me
rasashcha me ghritam cha me madhu cha me
sagdhishcha me sapiitishcha me krishhishcha me
vrishhtishcha me jaitram cha ma audbhidyam cha me
rayishcha me raayashcha me pushhtam cha me
pushhtishcha me vibhu cha me prabhu cha me
bahu cha me bhuuyashcha me puurnam cha me
puurnataram cha me akshitishcha me kuuyavaashcha me
annam cha meakshuchcha me vriihiyashcha me
yavaashcha me maashhaashcha me tilaashcha me
mudgaashcha me khalvaashcha me godhuumaashcha me
masuraashcha me priyamgavashcha meanavashcha me
shyaamaakaashcha me nivaaraashcha me
Let me be granted food, good reception, hospitality, milk, tasty sweet bountiful juices, ghee, honey and blessed with participating at food, drinking with others company, abundant agricultural activities, Sumptuous rains, Virgin cultivable fertile lands; with lushy tall sky high green trees and foliage, flower beds, gold, and costly and rare navaratna stones; blessed with great grand children with a pleasant feeling of possession and oneness and complete security and protection, with a well built and nourished and maintained body, with teaming cereals, pillets, pulses profusely available and proliferating, ever on the increase, devoid of hunger by consuming them perpetually with complete satisfaction, always with growing paddy, barley black gram, gingilly seeds, green gram castor oil seeds, wheat and White Bengal gram, with elongated bushy millets (small paddy) and fine Superior paddy and excellent roots and all readily available grains in the Jungles.
All the above thirty eight desires are prayed for to be fulfilled in this Anuvaka.
Ashmaa cha me mrittikaa cha me girayashcha me
parvataashcha me sikataashcha me vanaspatayashcha me
hiranyam cha me ayashcha me siisam cha me
trapushcha me shyaamam cha me loham cha me
agnishcha ma aapashcha me viirudhashcha ma oshhadhayashcha me krishhtapachyam cha me akrishhtapachyam cha me graamyaashcha me pashava aaranyaashcha yagyena kalpantaam
vittam cha me vittishcha me bhuutam cha me bhuutishcha me
vasu cha me vasatishcha me karma cha me
shaktishcha me arthashcha ma emashcha ma itishcha me gatishcha me
Let Lord grant me stone, earth spectrum of mountain ranges, basins of river waters, hillocks, sands, Medicinal herbs, tall and fruit bearing trees, gold, silver, lead, tin, steel, bronze and copper. Be blessed with fire, water, creepers, fine foliage ever lasting green vegetation, cultivable products, and stray growth millets, and sacrificial animals wild and domestic, wealth ancestral and acquired, progeny and property under acquisition, all worldly benefits, and accompanying advantages, hard earned income and valued belongings minor and major, cosy and comfortable dwellings and abodes to my progeny and the capability to perform sacred rituals and sacrificial rites such as yajnas perfectly and very successfully and enjoying the fruits there of, assuring harmony, happiness and prosperity achieving my desired objects and finally attaining the goal of liberation.
Thirty one specifice desires are prayed to be fulfilled in this fifth Anuvaka.
Agnishcha ma indrashcha me somashcha ma indrashcha me
savitaa cha ma indrashcha me sarasvatii cha ma indrashcha me
puushhaa cha ma indrashcha me brihaspatishcha ma indrashcha me
mitrashcha ma indrashcha me varunashcha ma indrashcha me
tvashhtaa cha ma indrashcha me dhaataa cha ma indrashcha me
vishhnushcha ma indrashcha meashvinau cha ma indrashcha me
marutashcha ma indrashcha me vishve cha me devaa indrashcha me
prithivii cha ma indrashcha meantariiksham cha ma indrashcha me
dyaushcha ma indrashcha me dishashcha ma indrashcha me
muurdhaa cha ma indrashcha me prajaapatishcha ma indrashcha me
This Anuvaka is titled as ‘Arthendram’ because all Gods are clubbed with Indra and Indra is God of Gods and he gets a share of all sacrificial offerings along with every God. Thus a bigger share is offered to Indra, the Antaryami. Thus twenty five Gods are invoked along with Indra to grant us benevolence. Agni, Indra, Soma and Indra; Sivata and Indra; Saraswati and Indra; Pusa and Indra; Bruhaspati and Indra; Mitra and Indra; Varuna and Indra; Tvasta and Indra; Vishnu and Indra; The two Aswins and Indra; The Maruts and Indra; The Visve devas and Indra; the earth and Indra; the intervening space in between celestial earth and Indra; the four sides
(Disas) and the space above Indra and prajapati and Indra.
Ashushcha me rashmishcha meadaabhyashcha me
adhipatishcha ma upaashushcha me
antaryaamashcha ma aindravaayashcha me
maitraavarunashcha ma aashvinashcha me
pratipasthaanashcha me shukrashcha me
manthii cha ma aagrayanashcha me
vaishvadevashcha me dhruvashcha me
vaishvaanarashcha ma ritugraahaashcha me
atigraahyaashcha ma aindraagnashcha me
vaishvadevaashcha me marutvatiiyaashcha me
maahendrashcha ma aadityashcha me
saavitrashcha me saarasvatashcha me
paushhnashcha me paatniivatashcha me haariyojanashcha me
Let the vessels used in the sacred soma sacrifice be granted to us. They are the Amsu, the Rasmi, the Adhabya; Adhipati (for curds), the Upamsu (for Soma Juice) the Antaryama, the vessels for Mitra, Varuna, the twin Aswins, the pratiprastana, the Sukra, the Manthi, the Agramana, the Vaisvadeva, the Dhruva, the Vaisvanara, the Rtugrahas, the Atigrahas, Indra and Agni, for the Visvedas, for Maruts, the supreme Indra, Aditya, Savita, Saraswati, Pusa, Patnivata and the Hariyojanas.
Idhmashcha me barhishcha me vedishcha me
dhishhniyaashcha me sruchashcha me chamasaashcha me
graavaanashcha me svaravashcha ma uparavaashcha me
Adhishhavane cha me dronakalashashcha me vaayavyaani cha me puutabhrichcha me aadhavaniiyashcha ma aagniidhram cha me
havirdhaanam cha me grihaashcha me
sadashcha me purodaashaashcha me
pachataashcha me avabhrithashcha me svagaakaarashcha me
May God blesses me with all the external Sacrificial practices to perform the sacrifices. Such as sacred samidhaas (holy sticks) darbha (dried grass on the river banks) the vedica the flat form (Homa Kunda) to perform the Yagna, the money (Dakshina) and the raised seat for the Hotha, the vessels for Homams, the wooden vessel for keeping the soma juice an dthe instrument to prepare the juice, wooden knives and the four Homa gundams (the pits for offering the Homa) dravya, wood from fig trees, vessel made of banyan tree in which the crushed juice is stored, and the mud pots, and the lighting place of fires; the raised elevated place for keeping the Havis and the wives of the priests and the high raised seating place for the udhghata who chants the mantras and to keep the rice and cooked offering in the sacrificial Homa fire and for the auspicious bath at the end of the Homa ritual and for invoking Gods in the Sacrificial fire by mantras.
Agnishcha me dharmashcha mearkashcha me
suuryashcha me praanashcha meashvamedhashcha me
prithivii cha meditishcha me ditishcha me
dyaushcha me shakkvariirangulayo dishashcha me
yagyena kalpantaam rikcha me saama cha me stomashcha me
yajushcha me diikshaa cha me tapashcha ma ritushcha me
vratam cha me ahoraatrayorvrishhtyaa brihadrathantare cha me
yagyena kalpetaamh
Let Lord grant me the sacrificial fire, the pravarga for performing soma yaga, the Arka, Suurya and praana Homa and the horse Sacrifice and the deities earth Aditi, Dhiti, heaven, the pointing finger of the holy sacrifices, and all the requisite necessities for the performance of the holy sacrifices, and the powerful mantras in the veda i.e, Rig veda, Sama Veda, Stoma Mantras in Adharvana veda and yajur veda, the Diiksha to perform the ritual and the necessary time to conduct the Homa, the vrata, the oaths, the disciplines codified and sumptuous constant rains day in and day out with the two i.e, Bruhat and Ritantara hymns for the successful efficacious sacrifices.
Garbhaashcha me vatsaashcha me travishcha me
travii cha me dityavaath cha me dityauhii cha me
pajnchaavishcha me pajnchaavii cha me trivatsashcha me
trivatsaa cha me turyavaath cha me turyauhii cha me
pashhthavaath cha me pashhthauhii cha ma ukshaa cha me
vashaa cha ma rishhabhashcha me vehashcha me anadvaajncha me
dhenushcha ma aayuryagyena kalpataam praano yagyena kalpataamapaano yagyena kalpataam vyaano yagyena kalpataam chakshuryagyena kalpataam shrotram yagyena kalpataam mano yagyena kalpataam vaagyagyena kalpataam aatmaa yagyena kalpataam yagyo yagyena kalpataamh
Let me be granted the protection of calves in the wombs of the cows new born and one half year old male and female off springs, and two year male and female calves, two and half year old male and female calves and also three years calves males and females and four years calves male and female and five years calves male and female, the majestic breeding bulls, the virgin cows and the non conceived cows, the newly delivered ones the luggage pullers and all these are made efficious to be very useful for multipurpose and be granted long life full of sacrifices with praana, Apaana, Vyaana airs, the eye and ear with sacrifices of the ming, speech, the Ego ‘I’ along with sacrifices with perfection in the truest term.
This tenth Anuvaka consists of thirty one specific desires to be granted as ultimate ones.
Ekaa cha me tisrashcha me pajncha cha me sapta cha me nava cha ma ekadasha cha me trayodasha cha me pamchadasha cha me saptadasha cha me
navadasha cha ma eka vishatishcha me trayovishatishcha me
pamchavishatishcha me saptavishatishcha me navavishatishcha ma
ekatrishachcha me trayastrishachcha me chatasrashcha me
ashhtau cha me dvaadasha cha me shhodasha cha me
vishatishcha me chaturvishatishcha meashhtaavishatishcha me
vaatrishachcha me shhattrishachcha me chatvarishachcha me
chatushchatvaarishachcha meashhtaachatvaarishachcha me
vaajashcha prasavashchaapijashcha kratushcha suvashcha muurdhaa cha
vyashniyashcha antyaayanashcha antyashcha bhauvanashcha
Let me be granted the uneven number one, three, five, seven, Nine, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, Nineteen, twentyo ne, twenty three, twenty five, twenty seven, twenty Nine, and thirty one, thirty three, and even numbers four, eight, twelve, and sixteen, twenty, and twenty four, twenty eight, thirty two thirty six, and forty and forty four, forty eight to ensure food and its production, its continuity, and the urge to enjoy, the origin of all productions, the sun, the heaven, the head of all, the infinite, the all pervading like the sky, time and the like present at the end of total consummation exists at the end of it on the earth as universal form, the Antaryami the immortal, the inner ruler of every thing, the omni present and omni potent.
Chamakam Shanti patha
Idaa devahuurmanuryagyaniirbrihaspatirukthaamadaani shasishhadvishvedevaah
suuktavaachah prithiviimaatarmaa maa hisiirmadhu manishhye madhu janishhye madhu vakshyaami madhu vadishhyaami madhumatiim devebhyo vaachamudyaasa
shushruushhenyaam manushhyebhyastam maa devaa avantu shobhaayai pitaroanumadantu
The Divine Gods are imploved through the mantras of Kamadhenu. Manu does the Sacrifices, Bruhaspati recites the pleasant mantras. Let these praises of Visva devas and mother earth save me from sufferance. Let my pleasant thoughts bring forth pleasant actions and the resultant enjoyable fruits. Let my Joyous offerings bear fine and worthy speech and my words pleaseth the divinity, make men lend their ears to gladden and Gods enlighten me and invoke my speech very powerful and my fore fathers feel excellently glad over it and bless me to perpetuate it.
Om shaantih shaantih shaantih.
Namaste rudramanyavautota ishhave namah
Namaste astu dhanvane bahubhyamuta te namah
Shiva sharavya ya tava taya no rudra mridaya
Taya nastanuva shantamaya girishantabhichakashihi
Shivam giritra tam kuru ma hisih purushham jagath
Yatha nah sarvamijjagadayaxmasumana asath
Lord of Mount Kailas of the Vedas! We pray to attain you by our auspicious words. We ask that for all our days, this entire world will be free from ills and discord, and that we may live in amity and concord.
Ahishcha sarvajnjambhayantsarvashcha yatudhanyah
Ye chemarudra abhito dixu Shritah sahasrashoavaishhaheda imahe
Utainam gopa adrishannadrishannudaharyah
Utainam vishva bhutani sa drishhto mridayati nah
Atho ye asya satvanoaham tebhyoakarannamah
Yashcha te hasta ishhavah para ta bhagavo vapa
Nishirya shalyanam mukha shivo nah sumana bhava
You having a thousand eyes, and bearing a hundred quivers, after loosening your bow, kindly blunt the edges of your shafts. Assume your peaceful and auspicious Siva form and become well-intentioned towards us.
Vijyam dhanuh kapardino vishalyo banava uta
Aneshannasyeshhava abhurasya nishhangathih
Let the bow of Kapardin, Rudra of the matted locks, be without its string. Let there be no arrows in His quiver. Let His arrows lose their capacity to strike and pierce. Let His scabbard contain little power.
Ya te heti rmidhushhtama haste babhuva te dhanuh
Tayaasmanvishvatastva mayaxmaya paribbhuja
You, Oh showerer of blessings, with your weapons and the bow in Your hand, completely protect us.
Namaste astvayudhayanatataya dhrishhnave
Ubhabhyamuta te namo bahubhyam tava dhanvane
Let there be salutations to your sturdy and potent weapons, and also to both your hands and your bow.
Pari te dhanvano heti rasmanvrunaktu vishvatah
Atho ya ishhudhistavare asmannidhehi tamh
Let the arrow of Your bow spare us in all ways. And place your quiver of arrows far away from us.
Namaste astu bhagavanh vishveshvaraya mahadevaya tryambakaya tripurantakaya trikagni kalaya kalagnirudraya nilakanthaya mrutyunjayaya sarveshvaraya sadashivaya shrimanmahadevaya namah
Let my salutations be to that great God who is the Lord of the universe; the great God who has three eyes and who destroys Tripura, the three Asura cities. To that God who is the Dandhya time when the three sacred fires are lit; who is Rudra the fire that consumes the universe; whose throat is blue; who has conquered death; the Lord of all; the ever auspicious one; salutations to that glorious and great God.
namo vrikshebhyo harikeshebhyah pashunam pataye namo
Salutations to Lord Rudra with the golden arms, the leader of hosts, to the Lord of the four direction, salutations. Salutations to the trees tufted with green leaves; salutations to the Lord of the cattle.
namah saspijncharaya tvishhimate pathinam pataye namo
namo babhlushaya vivyadhineannanam pataye namo
namo harikeshayopavitine pushhtanam pataye namo
namo bhavasya hetyai jagatam pataye namo
namo rudrayatatavine kshetranam pataye namo
namah sutayahantyaya vananam pataye namo namah
Salutations to the trees tufted with green leaves; salutations to the Lord of the cattle. Salutations to Him who is light yellow-red tinged and radiant; to the Lord of the pathways, salutations. Salutations to Him who rides on the bull, to him who has the power to pierce all things, to the Lord of food, salutations. Salutations to Him who is always black-haired, who wears the yajnopavita (sacred thread); to him the Lord of the sleek, salutations. Salutations to Him the instrument that destroys Samsara (Ignorance); to the Lord of all the worlds, salutations. Salutations to Him who protects the world by the might of His drawn bow, to Rudra the destroyour of all miseries; to the Lord of the fields and sacred places, salutations. Salutations to the charioteer, He who cannot be overcome and slain. Salutations to the Lord of the forests.
Namo rohitaya sthapataye vrikshanam pataye namo namo
mantrine vaanijaya kakshanam pataye namo namo
bhuvantaye varivaskritayaushhadhinam pataye namo
nama uchchairghoshhayakrandayate pattinam pataye namo
namah kritsnavitaya dhavate satvanam pataye namah
Salutations to the red One, the Lord; to the Lord of trees, salutations. Salutations to the counselor of assemblies, the chief of traders, to the Lord of dense impenetrable clumps and clusters of thickets, salutations. Salutations to Him who has created the world and spread it broad, the creator of riches and lover of those who are devoted to Him; to the Lord of all vegetation, salutations. Salutations to Him of the fearsome war cry, who causes His enemies to weep. To the leader of the foot-soldiers, salutations. Salutations to Him who surrounds His enemies completely, and cuts off their retreat by running swiftly after the retreating stragglers; to the protector of the good who have taken refuge under Him, salutations.
Anuvaka 5
Namo bhavaya cha rudraya cha
namah strotasyaya cha dvipyaya cha
purvajaya chaparajaya cha
namo madhyamaya chapagalbhaya cha
namo jaghanyaya cha budhniyaya cha
namah sobhyaya cha pratisaryaya cha
namo yamyaya cha kshemyaya cha
nama urvaryaya cha khalyaya cha
namah shlokyaya chavasanyaya cha
namo vanyaya cha kakshyaya cha
namah shravaya cha pratishravaya cha
Salutations to Him who is senior and who is junior. Salutations to Him who was born before all and who will be born after all. Salutations to Him who appears in the middle, and who appears undeveloped. Salutations to Him who is born from the back side and from the under side. Salutations to Him who is born in the mixed world of good and bad and in things that move. Salutations to Him who is in the worlds of Yama and in the worlds of safety. Salutations to Him who is in the form of the bountiful fields and the threshing floors. Salutations to Him who is praised by the Vedic Mantras and who is expounded in the Vedantic Upanishads. Salutations to Him who is in the form of trees in the forests and of creepers in the shaded areas. Salutations to Him who is sound and the echo of the sound.
Nama ashushhenayacha shurathaya cha
namah shuraya chavabhindate cha
namo varmine cha varuthine cha
namo bilmine cha kavachine cha
namah shrutaya cha shrutasenaya cha
Salutations to Him whose armies move swiftly and who rides on a swift chariot. Salutations to the warrior, He who pierces his enemies. Salutations to Him who is clad in armor Himself, and who has provided for the safety of His charioteer. Salutations to Him who wears a helmet and breast-plate. Salutations to Him who is praised in the Vedas and whose army is also praised.
namo dhrishhnave cha pramrishaaya cha
namo dutaya cha prahitaya cha
namo nishhangine cheshhudhimate cha
namastikshneshhave chayudhine cha
namah svayudhaya cha sudhanvane cha
namah srutyaya cha pathyaya cha
namah katyaya cha nipyaya cha
namah sudyaya cha sarasyaya cha
namo nadyaya cha vaishantaya cha
Salutations to Him who is the kettle drum and who is also the drum stick. Salutations to Him who never turns his back in fight, but is at the same time prudent. Salutations to Him who is in the form of the messenger and the representative sent for special purposes. Salutations to Him who has a sword and a quiver of arrows. Salutations to Him having keen shafts and all weapons. Salutations to Him bearing a beautiful and powerful weapon and bow. Salutations to Him who is in the narrow footpaths and the broad highways. Salutations to Him who is in the narrow flow of waters and in their descent from higher to lower levels. Salutations to Him who is in the marshy and muddy places and in the lakes. Salutations to Him who is in the flowing waters of rivers and in the still waters of mountain tarns.
Namah kupyaya cha vatyaya cha
namo varshhyaya cha varshhyaya cha
namo meghyaya cha vidyutyaya cha
nama ighriyaya cha tapyaya cha
namo vatyaya cha reshhmiyaya cha
namo vastavyaya cha vastupaya cha
Salutations to Him who is in the wells and in the pits. Salutations to Him who is born in the rivers as river water and in the absence of rains. Salutations to Him who is in the glittering white autumn clouds and who is in the rains and mixed with sunshine. Salutations to Him who is in the rains accompanied by winds and in the rains accompanied by hail. Salutations to Him who is household wealth and the guardian deity of the household.
namastamraya cha arunaya cha
namah shangaya cha pashupataye cha
nama ugraya cha bhimaya cha
namo agrevadhaya cha durevadhaya cha
namo hantre cha haniyase cha
namo vrikshebhyo harikeshebhyo
namastaraya namah shambhave cha mayobhave cha
namah shankaraya cha mayaskaraya cha
namah shivaya cha shivataraya cha
Salutations to Him who is with His consort Uma. Salutations to Him who is red and rosy-red also. Salutations to Him who brings happiness and who is the Lord of all creatures. Salutations to Him who is fierce and striks terror at sight into His enemies. Salutations to Him who kills in front and from afar. Salutations to Him who is in the form of everyone who slays, and who kills all at the time of Pralaya. Salutations to the stately trees with green tufts of leaves. Salutations to Him who is the Pravana mantra; Om. Salutations to Him who is the source of happiness here and hereafter. Salutations to Him who is inherently of the nature of conferring happiness directly in this world and the world hereafter. Salutations to Him the auspicious one, who is more auspicious than all others.
Namastirthyaya cha kulyaya cha
namah paryaya chavaryaya cha
namah prataranaya chottaranaya cha
nama ataryaya chaladyaya cha
namah shashhpyaya cha phenyaya cha
namah sikatyaya cha pravahyaya cha
Salutations to Him who is ever present in holy places and on the banks of the rivers. Salutations to Him who stands in the further shore and on this shore. Salutations to Him who ferries men over the sins and evils of Samsara (the Illusions of the world), and who by the grant of knowledge ferries them over the Samsara altogether. Salutations to Him who is born again and again in Samsara and who tastes the fruits of Karmas in the form of Jiva. Salutations to Him who is in the form of tender grass and foam. Salutations to Him who is in the form of the sands and flowing water.
namah kishilaya cha kshayanaya cha
namah kapardine cha pulastaye cha
namo goshhthyaya cha grihyaya cha
namastalpyaya cha gehyaya cha
namah katyaya cha gahvareshhthaya cha
namo hridayyaya cha niveshhpyaya cha
namah pasavyaya cha rajasyaya cha
namah shushhkyaya cha harityaya cha
namo lopyaya cholapyaya cha
Salutations to Him who abides in saline tracts and in trodden pathways. Salutations to Him who is in the rocky uninhabitable and rugged tracts and in habitable places. Salutations to Him who binds His matted locks and wears them majestically like a crown and Him who ever stands before His devotees. Salutations to Him who is in the cow pens and in the homesteads. Salutations to Him who reclines on couches and who takes his ease in stately store yard buildings. Salutations to Him who is in the thorny impenetrable forest places and in accessible mountain caves. Salutations to Him who is in deep waters and in the dew drops. Salutations to Him who is in the visible and invisible dust. Salutations to Him who is in dry things and green things. Salutations to Him who exists in hard places which do not sustain even grass and in coarse and other grasses.
Nama urvyaya cha surmyaya cha
namah parnyaya cha parnashadyaya cha
namoapaguramanaya cha bhighnate cha
nama akhkhidate cha prakhkhidate cha
namo vah kirikebhyo devana hridayebhyo
namo vikshinakebhyo namo vichinvatkebhyo
nama anirhatebhyo nama amivatkebhyah
Salutations to Him who is in the earth and in the fair waves. Salutations to Him who is in the green leaves and the dried ones. Salutations to the Rudraganas (soldiers of Rudra)who have their weapons uplifted and who strike from the front. Salutations to them (Rudraganas) who afflict slightly and also grievously. Salutations to you who shower wealth and who dwell in the hearts of the Gods. Salutations to you who are not liable to decay (and who abides in the hearts of the Gods). Salutations to you who search and examine the good and bad that each one does (and who abides in the hearts of the Gods). Salutation to them who have rooted out sin utterly (and who abides in the hearts of the Gods). Salutation to them who have assumed a gross form and stand in the material shape of the universe (and who abides in the hearts of the Gods).
eshham purushhanameshham pashunam ma bhermaro mo eshham kinchanamamat
You who makes sinners lead contemptible lives, Lord and dispenser of food. You who chooses to remain poor amidst your riches. You dark in the neck and red elsewhere. Frighten not these our near and dear persons or these our cattle. Let not even one among them perish or get ill.
Ya te rudra shiva tanuh shiva vishvaha bheshhaji
Shiva rudrasya bheshhaji taya no mrida jivase
Oh Lord Rudra! By that form if your which is peaceful and auspicious, more highly auspicious since it is a panacea for human ills for all days, most highly auspicious since by the grant of knowledge and illumination, it utterly uproots ignorance and the entire misery of samsara, by that gracious form of your make us lead a full and happy life.
Imarudraya tavase kapardine kshayadviraya prabharamahe matim
Yatha nah shamasadhdvipade chatushhpade vishvam pushhtam grame aasminnanaturamh
May we foster and cherish this attitude of mind towards Rudra even, the strong one with the matted locks, opposing whom his enemy warriors are defeated and meet their doom. May we adopt a mental inclination which results in Rudra maintaining friendship with our human relations and our wealth of cattle; sleek and content.
Mrida no rudrotano mayaskridhi kshayadviraya namasa vidhema te
Yachchham cha yoshcha manurayaje pita tadashyama tava rudrapranitau
Lord Rudra! Confer on us happiness in this world, and in the next. You who has destroyed our sins, we shall serve and worship you by our salutations. That freedom from sorrow which Manu, our progenitor, sought for and the happiness which he obtained, we shall taste it, if You are inclined and gracious to us.
Ma no mahantamuta ma no arbhakam ma na ukshanta muta ma na ukshitamh Ma no vadhih pitaram mota mataram priya ma nastanuvo rudra ririshhah
Lord Rudra! Afflict not the elders in our midst, nor the tender babe, nor the procreating youth, nor the child in the womb, nor the father or mother, nor our bodies dear to us.
Manastoke tanaye ma na ayushhi ma no goshhu ma no ashveshhu ririshhah Viranma no rudra bhamitoavadhi rhavishhmanto namasa vidhema te
Lord Rudra! Getting angry at our transgressions hurts not only our children, our sons in particular, but also our cattle and horses, and our warriors. Making offerings into the sacred fire, we shall serve and calm you by our Namaskars (salutations).
Aratte goghna utta purushhaghne kshayadviraya sumnamasme te astu
Raksha cha no adhi cha deva bruhyatha cha nah sharma yachchha dvibarhah
Oh Deva! Let that terrible form of yours be far away from us -- that which afflicts our cattle, our sons and grandsons, and wastes your enemy warriors. Let that form which confers happiness be near to us. Protect us. Recommend us to the other Gods and bespeak in our favor. You who increases the happiness of both worlds. Please confer happiness upon us.
Stuhi shrutam gartasadam yuvanam mriganna bhima mupahatnumugramh Mruda jaritre rudra stavano anyante asmannivapantu senah
I praise you the famous one, seated in the heart, the ever-youthful, terrible like the lion, fierce for the purpose of destruction. Lord Rudra, having been praised by us, let your armies strike at others than us.
Parino rudrasya hetirvrinaktu pari tveshhasya durmatiraghayoh Ava sthira maghavadbhyastanushhva midhhvastokaya tanayaya mrudaya
Let the weapon of Rudra give us wide berth. Let the fixed displeasure of Rudra blazing with just anger based on our sins, and keen to punish us, depart from us. Showerer of Blessings! Your purpose and your shaft are ever unerring; loosen them in regard to us; we who approached you with sacrifices and prayers. Make our sons and their sons happy.
Midhushhtama shivatama shivo nah sumana bhava Parame vruksha ayudham nidhaya krittim vasana achara pinakam vibhradagahi
Supreme showerer of blessings. Supreme auspicious One! Be auspicious and beneficent, and bear goodwill to us. Place your threatening and hurtful weapons on some tall and distant tree. Approach us wearing your elephant hide garment. Come bearing your Pinaka bow.
Vikirida vilohita namaste astu bhagavah
Yaste sahasrahetayoanyamasmannivapantu tah
Showerer of wealth! You white One! Lord Bhagavan! Salutations to you. Let your thousands of weapons not destroy us, but rather destroy our enemies.
Sahasrani sahasradha bahuvostava hetayah
Tasamishano bhagavah parachina mukha kridhi
In your arms exist thousands of kinds of weapons in thousands of numbers. But Bhagavan, You art Lord and master of them. Turn their hurtful faces away from us.
Teshha sahasrayojane avadhanvani tanmasi
Those Rudras who live on the face of the earth in thousands of varieties, we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.
Asminh mahatyarnaveantarikshe bhava adhi
Those Rudras who dwell in the sublime ocean and the space between sky and earth, we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.
Nilagrivah shitikanthah sharva adhah kshamacharah
The Rudra Ganas, blue throated, where the Kalakuta poison rested; and white throated in other portions; those Rudras who dwell in the nether regions; we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.
Nilagrivah shitikantha divarudra upashritah
Bluethroated where the poison rested and elsewhere white throated Rudras who dwell in the heaven, we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.
Ye vriksheshhu saspinjara nilagriva vilohitah
Ye bhutanamadhipatayo vishikhasah kapardinah
Those Rudras of the color of tender grass who are black throated, those who are red in color, who live in trees, we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.
Ye anneshhu vividhyanti patreshhu pibato jananh
Those Rudras who stand in the food and in the liquids, and pierce the persons who eat the food and drink the liquids, we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.
Ye patham pathirakshaya ailabrida yavyudhah
Those Rudras who are the protectors of the pathways, the givers of food, who fight with one's enemies, we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.
Those Rudras who haunt the sacred places wearing short daggers and long swords, we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.
Ya etavantashcha bhuyaasashcha disho rudra vitasthire
teshhasahasra yojane Avadhanvani tanmasi
Those Rudras so far mentioned, and over and above them, who have entered the quarters and occupied them, we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us. Those Rudras who are on this earth, to whom food turns into shafts, I bow to them with my speech. With my ten fingers joined, I bow to them with my body facing the east, the south, the west, the north, and upwards, I bow to them with my mind. May they render me happy. Oh Rudras, to whom we bow! I consign him whom we hate and he who hates us, into your yawning mouths.
Namo rudrebhyo ye prithivyam ye antarikshe ye divi yeshhamannam
vato varshhamishhava stebhyo dasha praachirdasha dakshina dasha pratichirdashodiichirdashordhvaastebhyo namaste no mridayantu te yam dvishhmo yashcha no dveshhti tam vo jambhe dadhami
Those Rudras who dwell in the middle region between the heaven and the earth, for whom the wind furnishes the shaft, salutations to them. With the ten fingers joined, I bow to them in the east, the south, the west, the north and upwards. Salutations to them. May then render me happy. They whom we hate, and they who hate us, I consign them into their yawning mouths. Those Rudras who dwell in heaven, to whom rain serves as a shaft, salutations to them. With the ten fingers joined, I bow to them in the east, the south, the west, the north and upwards. Salutations to them. May then render me happy. He whom we hate, and he who hates us, I consign them into your yawning mouths.
Tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushhtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhananmrity rmukshiya maamritath
He who has divine fragrance, He who makes men powerful and full of plenty, Him even we worship, the three-eyed Rudra. Like a ripe berry from its stalk, release me from death, and let me not turn away from immortality and enlightenment.
Yo rudro agnau yo apsu ya oshhadhishhu
Yo rudro vishva bhuvanaaavivesha tasmai rudraya namo astu
That Rudra who has even entered into and pervaded fire, the waters, vegetation, and all the worlds, let my salutations be to that Rudra.
Tamushhtuhi yah svishhuh sudhanva yo vishvasya kshayati bheshhajasya Yakshvamahe saumanasaya rudram nabhobhi rdevamasuram duvasya Ayam me hasto bhagavanayam me bhagavattarah Ayam me vishva bheshhajoaya shivabhimarshanah
He who holds a beautiful and powerful shaft and a strong bow, He who is the source and repository of all medicines, praise Him alone. To gain the favor and goodwill of that supreme and effulgent God Rudra, let us worship Him, honor and adore Him by salutations.Due to its contact with the Linga image, this right hand of mine is fortunate. Indeed this hand of mine is a panacea for all human beings for all ills.
Ye te sahasramayutam pasha mrityo martyaya hantave
Tanh yagyasya mayaya sarvanava yajamahe.
Mrityave svaha mrityave svaha
Oh Death in the form of Rudra. Those countless nooses of yours by which You destroy all mortal creatures, we shall loosen them by the efficiency of our worship of you.I offer this sacred food offering in sacrifice to Rudra the Destroyer.
Om namo bhagavate rudraya. vishhnave mrityurme pahi
Prananam granthirasi rudro ma vishantakah
Tenannenapyayasva Sadashivoham
Om shanti shanti shanti
Om. Salutation to the omnipresent Bhagavan Rudra. Protect me from death. Kamadhenu, the divine cow discovered the hymns by which the gods are invoked. Manu was the sacrificer. Brihaspathi repeated the Sasthra Mantras which gladden. May the Visva Devas praised in the hymns and Mother Earth not cause me any suffering. Let me think sweet thoughts; let me perform sweet actions which bear sweet fruits; let me bear sweet offerings, let my speech and praise be sweet; let me utter words which sound sweet to the Gods; let me utter sweet words to men who would lend their ears. Let the Gods illumine me and render my speech sweet. Let the Prithis, the forefathers feel glad and approve of me. Let me be with Lord Shiva always.
Let there be peace.