Karva Chauth Festival Karva Chauth is observed by married women (suhagini) for ensuring wedded bliss and wishing long life for their husbands and children.
A married woman who observes this vrat is called ?Saubhagyavati? (joyous and happy state of wifehood).
On the occasion of this vrat (Fast) a kalash (small container) is filled with either milk or water. In that kalash is placed Pancha Ratna (five pieces of different metals gold, silver, copper, brass and iron).
The kalash is then presented to a Brahmin and also exchanged with other married women. While thus presenting the kalash, a wishful prayer is offered to Lord Ganesh: "Let the offerings of this Karva Karak (gift bring long life to my husband and may my saubhagya be everlasting". And express such desire that ?May my death precede that of my husband so that I can enter the chitaa (funeral pyre) as a bride (not as a widow).
This katha (narrative) first took place between Siva and parvati. Siva told Parvati about the significance of Karva Vrat. In Dwapar Yuga, Draupadi asked Lord Krishna about the vrat of Karva Chauth. Thereafter, the very first time this vrat was observed in the town of Shukraprastha by Veeravati, the daughter of Vedsharma and Leelavati. Ever since this vrat has been observed by married women till the present day. On the occasion of Karva Chauth which is on the day of Kartik Krishna Chaturthi, fasting (vrat) is observed. In the evening, after taking a bath, under a banyan tree (or in the absence of such tree, draw a picture of such tree) place murtis or pictures of Siva, Parvati, Ganesh and Kartikeya and do puja ceremony (shodashopachar or sixteen step puja ceremony). Then for the offerings of arghya (rice, flower etc.),
while waiting for the moon to rise, japa is done with the mantra "Om namah Shivaya". Havan (sacred fire ceremony) is also done. Thereafter, having sited the moon, offer the arghya. If the husband is present, then worship him with Panchopchar or gandh, pushpa, dhoop, deep and naivedya (perfume, flower, incence, lamp and food). If the husband is away on travels, then offer a prayer to Almighy to grant long life to your husband. Thereafter bring the vrat to its conclusion. Lord Krishna urged Draupadi to observe the vrat of Karva Chauth so that through its influence Arjuna can defeat the Kauravas on the battlefield and acquire back the kingdom. Married women who thus offer wishful prayer for saubhagya by observing the Karva Chauth Vrat, acquire saubhagya, progeny and lasting prosperity.
The husband is considered to be your lord,hence you should respect him everyday and at all times. Get his ashirvaad everyday if possible. A married woman must remain with the husband and fulfill his wishes in life
Story of Great Ahalyaa (loyal to husband)
Ahalyaa was the wife of Gautam Rishi and was a Pativrataa (loyal to husband) woman. They had a son named Shataanand (he was Raajaa Janak's Purohit). Once Raajaa of Devtaa, Indra, got attracted to her and had a desire to have her, but was afraid of her Paativrat Dharm. So one day when Gautam Rishi was out for his daily chores, He came in the form of Gautam Rishi and expressed His desire to have her. Ahalyaa was very surprised to see Rishi returning home and hear this strange type of proposal from Muni, but since she was a Pativrataa woman she considered to obey her husband. Thus He had her.
When Indra was coming out of the Aashram, He met Gautam Rishi at the door. Both saw each other. Indra was frightened so He ran away. Muni understood everything, he came inside. Seeing Rishi Gautam again Ahalyaa got frightened and understood everything. She fell on the feet of Gautam Muni and asked for his forgiveness as she was caught innocent. That was not her fault. But Muni was very angry and he gave Shaap to her, "Be a stone". Then later he relaxed it with "When Bhagvaan will take Avataar in Ayodhyaa in Tretaa Yug and will pass from here, you will again become the woman by the touch of His feet's dust.
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Karva Chauth